Canada finally fixes broken refugee system

Canada has introduced a new bill to throw out bogus refugee claims.
It’s a sensible step in the right direction to fix a national mess that has seen the deserving being denied and several sensation headlines of crooks finding a safe refuge in Canada.
The numbers will tell you why we need this new law.
Currently, more than 60,000 refugee cases are pending before the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada.
Another 15,000 people whose claims have been denied are still awaiting deportation.
A staggering 38,000 have gone missing after losing their cases.
It presently takes an average of 4.5 years to remove a failed refugee claimant while some manage to prolong their presence in Canada for as long as a decade.
It takes an average of 19 months for a refugee claimant to get a hearing before the Immigration and Refugee Board.
Canada leads the world by attracting more refugee claims per capita than any other comparable Western democracy but more than half - 58% - of these claims are unfounded.
For decades now many have lambasted our snail-paced refugee determination system but the federal Liberals that ruled Canada prior to the Stephen Harper Tories refused to make any substantial changes hoping those that got to stay – legitimate or otherwise – would vote for them.
The new system, which would cost $600 million, is expected to be in place within a year, so that refugee cases will be heard within 60 days instead of 19 months.
This if enforced with fairness will ensure that those genuinely seeking shelter from conflict and oppression are given refuge in Canada quickly.
Immigrants who play by the rules and wait in line to come to Canada are many a time overtaken by those who jump the queue, enter the country to play the system to their own advantage. 
Our generosity has too often been abused by these false asylum claimants.
That is the main reason why we have a backlog of refugee applicants.
Our reputation is such today that in many parts of the world organized syndicates operate human pipelines to pump bogus refugees into Canada.
While some may look at the new refugee rules and system as draconian, it is a law whose time has come.
The muted Liberal response, which mostly has not been negative and general support from the immigration industry and activists suggest that this new system will de-politicize the process through which claims are heard and increase help for those who genuinely and desperately need it.
Canada has been one of the most generous countries when it comes to offering shelter to the persecuted.
We’ve provided a new home to over one million refugees since the Second World War.
The new refugee reforms are needed to reinforce that Canada will always provide for the needy and not hesitate to kick out those who try to cash in our kindness.



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